Ultimate Frisbee is a fast paced sport in which two teams compete for the control of a flying disc. It is a legitimate sport that is mostly seen within college athletics, as well as in a few high schools. There is no Ultimate Frisbee competition within Firebaugh, but there may be a few hidden players in the school. "Where?", you may ask. Surprisingly, there are a few passionate players within the teachers. Yes, TEACHERS! Mr.Kang (a physics/chemistry teacher) has been playing Ultimate Frisbee for years, and he's willing to play the sport with students who are interested. For those who aren't interested, he will stay persistent and will try to change their minds by teaching them a few tricks (I personally suck at throwing the Frisbee, but it's still fun to try).
Are any of these players pushing for a team? Not exactly, but if enough students would organize then maybe a team outside of school can be formed. Until then, this sport is purely for fun. For those of you who miss PE (but do not miss the mile) this can be a great opportunity. Mr.Kang is contemplating the idea of playing after school with students, and perhaps it will become a part of his weightlifting club (Yes, there is a weightlifting club. There will be more details later.). Until then this teacher is happy to accept any students interested in the sport.
The Frisbees will soar through the sky, and the wind will continue to chase after it. (A little poetry won't hurt anyone.)