Monday, April 30, 2012

Prom Proposal Ideas Anyone?

                                                                                                                                                             Hello gentlemen, are you dateless for prom? Do you have somebody in mind but don't know exactly how to ask them? Is the stress of coming up with  a spontaneous way driving you insane? Well we here at the Falcon Flame are ready to help you boys. Here are just a few ways that you can ask your future date to prom.

1) Split the phrase 'Will you go to prom with me' (or any variation of that phrase) into 7 pieces. Write the parts on7 different pieces of paper or any thing you would like to write it on. Then give a piece to each of her 6 teachers and ask them if they can give it to her during class. Make sure to tell them not to tell her who its from. Then at the end of the day meet her outside her class with the final piece of the phrase. 

2) Now for this one you'll need a small plastic pig, 4-5 balloons full of helium, and a box. Next tie the balloons to the pig (make sure they make the pig float otherwise this won't work). Then put the balloons and pig into  the box and close it. Finally write on the box 'the only way you'de go to prom with me is if pigs fly' (or some variation of that phrase), then simply open the box and let the pig fly out.

3) Get a white board and write a paragraph, any paragraph so long as is has the words 'will you go to prom with me' split up through the paragraph. Write the paragraph with regular white board markers but write those specific words with permanent markers. Then ask her if she could erase it for you and you'll see her smile at the phrase 'will you go to prom with me'.

4) if you're still not sure what to do get some flowers and ask her the old fashioned way (:

PROM Venue!

Prom news! Prom is right around the corner and most of you attending might be having great expectations on our venue. It is one of the most beautiful places on the grounds of the historic Santa Anita Racetrack the Chandelier Room. A place where memories will be cherished. It will be on May 11, 2012 @ Santa Anita Racetrack from 7:00 pm- 12:00 am. Here's a sneak peak of your 2012 prom venue.

The Softball Varsity Girls Take The Win

On April 25 the softball girls slaughtered Environmental Charter. Firebaugh Falcon fans exited the stadium thrilled as they saw their softball team slaughter their opponent in a league challenge. The final score was eleven to nothing. The girls did their best to keep their undefeated record. Sporting the the #20 jersey, sophomore Andrea Quintanar, struck out 7 batters out of 17. She also managed to get one RBI. For those of you who do not know much about softball RBIs are Runs Batted In. An RBI is awarded to a batter who puts the ball in play and causes one or more runners to score. Senior Karen Ramirez got 3 RBIs. Another senior that got 3 RBIs was Natalia Reynoso. Guadalupe Corral got 2 RBIs and brought in Natalie Reynoso and Karen Ramirez. Junior Christina Morales also had 2 RBIs. The game ended with a team total of 11 RBIs, giving the falcons the win.

Team Players for the day:
Jessica Mercado
Karen Mercado
#0 Kelsey Muniz
#10 Erica Bailey
#17 Guadalupe Corral
#20 Andrea Quintanar
#23 Natalia Reynoso
#24 Breanna Govea'
#25 Ashley Cazares
#26 Christina Morales
#32 Melissa Carrazco
#9 Daisy Soto 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Royal Court Nominees Are In!

Prom is just around the corner and students are counting down the days for the milestone evening! But what everyone is asking is, "Who got nominated!?" For days FHS students have been promoting themselves and others everywhere, on social networks, banners and even personally asking to vote for them to be able to gain a spot in Royal Court. 

Only the Falcon Flame has that answer and exclusive interviews with two popular nominees. 

Adan Olivas
How do you feel being a nominee for Prom?
"Excited, never thought I would be a nominees because I'm not even that popular around school like everyone else."

When you received the nominee paper, what was going through your head?
"Miriam who was running along with me were so excited, we couldn't even think of what to say."

Are you personally ready for Prom?
"No, I don't even have my tuxedo ready, I still have to order it."

How do you feel about your competition? like your chances of winning?
"I don't even know who they are," (haha) "I have a whole bunch of friends that are willing to promote me through banners and pins."

If you win, whats your plan, what are you going to do?
"I'm going to make a speech commemorating to all the people that helped me, congratulate them for helping me get this far through school and in life and through all my problems."

Connie Castaneda
How do you feel getting nominated by your peers?
"I feel really happy, that everyone actually voted for me, they actually put my name, put the button and put my name on there out of all these girls that are way prettier than me."

Did you thank people for nominating you?
"Yeah, like some people, when they found out that I got nominated they came up to me and said oh I nominated you, and I thanked them."

Are you ready for Prom?
Yeah, I have everything, I already have my dress, my date, my heels.

How do you feel about your competitions to win?
"Thats hard, because there area lot of other girls that problalbly  have more people, know more people that know them than know me. That must be harder."

Did you ever think you would run for prom queen? What made you want to get nominated?
"I was planning, if I wasn't nominated, I was planning to run for it. I just wanted to see if people would vote for me, like i wanted to see if friends or if i ever had a chance so I won't have that feeling of oh I should have ran to see what would have happened."

What would you do if you win Prom Queen?
"I don't even know what I would do if I would win, I would just be shocked."

The King Nominees are:
Brian Lorenzo-Vidal
Jose Ramirez
Gustavo Hernandez
William Del Cid
Adan Olivas
Edwin Gonzalez
Javier Villalobos
David Saldivar

The Queen Nominees are:
Charlene Gutierrez
Alejandra Gomez
Alice Soto
Connie Castaneda
Chantel Campos
Miriam Sanchez
Jennifer Torres
Evelyn Gonzalez
Mayra Flores

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Variety Show Introduces a Multitude of Amazing Acts and Talented Performers

Credit to Mrs. Carcamo (Ms. Bu/Bu Laoshi)
Check out our last post written before the show.

These two days were filled with a blast of entertainment, enjoyment, and success as the Variety Show was finally held on April 26 and 27 after 4 months of preparation from the Actors Club, Choir, Drill team, MESA band, and The Heavy Feathers.
Students attended on either one of the two days to see these different acts come together in a show that brought both laughter and tears. The participation of the audience was a great addition to the play, and knowing that everyone contributed like that made it all even greater.

We caught up with a couple of students and a teacher to see what their thoughts were after the play.

*What did you think about the show?
Jessica Mercado: Awesome! I really liked it. Everyone had talent. They had me dancing and singing along.
Laura Doniz: I enjoyed it. It was unforgettable and purely hilarious. I think they really worked hard to do this and it turned out well. It involved the audience a lot too.
Elizabeth Murillo:  I really liked it. It looked like everybody was having lots of fun and, you know, everybody in the audience was interactive. I thought everybody put a lot of effort into it and it really showed because everybody had a lot of fun.
Anahiz Diaz-Ibarra: I thought it was really interesting. I didn't know Firebaugh had so much talent.
Alexis Lorenzo-Vidal: Yeah, it really caught me off guard and I didn't expect that much but it was pretty great.
Mr. Martinez: I saw a lot of great acting, a lot of great performances, a lot of good singing; I'm very impressed by everyone who performed, quite impressed.

*What was your favorite part?
Jessica: The whole thing was great, but if I had to choose it would be between Kelvin's acting and the bands.
Laura: I liked the part where Kelvin is talking about "queso" because he can't speak Spanish & when the three Mr. Huas came out.
Elizabeth: My favorite part would have to be the musical numbers. They were really funny and really good. Everybody has a lot of talent and it was really nice to see that part of Firebaugh; everybody's just great.
Alexis: It wasn't really part of the play, but it would have to be when Gustavo asked his girlfriend to prom.
Anahiz: I liked the fighting scenes with Harry Potter [Gerald].
Mr. Martinez: There was this one actress who came out playing a teacher and she had some very good words of wisdom; very good acting going on there. {Felicitas Nunez played Mrs. Damrel and was the one holding these interviews}

*Would you have recommended this play to others?
Jessica: Heck yeah! Of course!
Laura: Yes! If the whole school could see it I think they would have fallen in love with it.
Elizabeth: Yeah, definitely, especially if they're students of Firebaugh because you can see other peers doing what they do best. It's really cool because it really shows a good side of Firebaugh and I would recommend it to anybody just to see what our students have to offer.
Anahiz: Yes, definitely.
Alexis: Yeah, why not? It was great.. Yeah!
Mr. Martinez: Absolutely, absolutely. I'm hoping maybe the whole cast can come together just for me to put on an encore.

*Did you happen to notice that the art teacher represented the love of Mrs. Damrel and the spirit that she brought to the school?
Elizabeth: Yeah I definitely saw that. You know we all miss Mrs. Damrel very much and this play really embodied what our feelings were for her.
Anahiz: I never had her as a teacher, but I wish I did. Knowing that, I think it's really thoughtful and meaningful and adds a lot more to the play.
Alexis: I had Mrs. Damrel and she was a good person and it really meant a lot.
Mr. Martinez: Oh, absolutely. You know she's up there with a smile from ear to ear. She would have loved this, definitely.

That's just about it. Thanks for reading, and remember: It's never a "goodbye", it's always a "see you later"!

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Little Bit About Mr.Mazon

We chose to interview Mr.Mazon because he is a big part of Firebaugh.We asked him questions about his personal life and also about life of being assistant principal of firebaugh. he said very inspiring things about class of 2012. 
Which university did you attend?
He attended many. Biola University, Azusa Pacific University, Cal State LA, Talbate Seminary, and San Jose State.
What’s your motto?
“Carpe Diem”. It means seize the day, make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. He has a 50 pound rock in his office that has “carpe diem” engraved on it.

Did you play any sports and if you did what sport was it?
He played baseball and ran two marathons after he started teaching.

Do you enjoy working at Firebaugh?
“FHS is the bomb. I enjoy working here because I get more interactions with the students. I desire that the class of ‘12 doesn’t place limit to themselves and that they go for their dreams with passion and commitment. I believe class of ‘12 will make the world a better place as they enter the adult world and continue their education.”

Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Small Step For MESA One Giant Leap For FHS!

Left to Right: Rick Rodriguez, Maritsa Negrete and Brian Rodriguez

On April 14, 2012 the MESA Club visited Chapman University for the annual competitions of Math and Science. These bright minds took the win by receiving 1st place on the Team Math Quest. Last year they were fortunate to take 2nd place but this year they studied and put some extra effort to make it all the way to the top. Even though it was only 30 questions, those questions tested every skill of mathematics they have learned. For example, subjects like Pre-Calculus, Math Analysis and Trigonometry. 
By working together they succeeded in winning a very diverse competition for FHS. An interview with Brian Rodriguez, revealed advice and insight on the rigorous competitions, "Very difficult, if you don't take your time you just overlook, make little mistakes, it's more time management." Next year is a new year for the MESA club and FHS will be expecting nothing but the best from their club members. Students this year are showing more Pride and Ownership than ever in academics. This winning is one of many ways students are putting Firebaugh High on the map!

Stretched limos, flowing gowns, and sleek suits.

That’s right, Firebaugh prom night is just around the corner and with that said prom nominations have been cast and has everyone on their toes waiting for the announcement of who our prom royalty for 2012 will be. Many ladies and gentlemen long for the queen and king title, advertising themselves on facebook so that their classmates nominate them. This year however, Firebaugh seniors set in motion a very special project, the “Charlene for queen” project. Most of us know Charlene and many agreed that if anyone deserved to win a crown it was her. Donations to buy her prom ticket were being taken as well; unfortunately Charlene was not interested in attending prom or being queen. Although the project did not reach its goal, the thought and effort is one that Charlene is sure to appreciate. This means for all you ladies who wanted to be queen you still have a chance to represent Firebaugh!
The crowning of a king and queen is the highlight of prom, and to win represents an enormous honor. To be a queen or king is more than just rocking a crown; it’s a title that means out of the entire senior class you represent Firebaugh best, whether it’s because of charisma, athleticism, or academic achievement. The winner leaves with the knowledge that his/her classmates appreciate what he/she has done in Firebaugh. After nominations are announced the race for Firebaugh royalty will begin. Surely everyone is excited to see how our nominees fight for their title and how far they are willing to fight for the honor. Good luck to all nominees and for the rest, don’t forget to vote and support your favorite royalty pair!

Boys Volleyball Team Winning Streak!

Our Boys Volleyball team has thundered their way into a 13-0 winning streak. The season so far has demonstrated the  teams camaraderie on the court. The Falcon Flame had a chance to sit down with two of the team members (Giovanni and Ivan) for an exclusive interview. When asked about their winning streak first time Captain Giovanni had this to say, "I'm really proud of how far our team has made it. I feel as if now we are not a team anymore, but we are more like brothers." The teams brotherly bond has certainly proven to be a recipe for success during the past few games, as this is the first time that the Boys Volleyball has had an undefeated streak. However there is much more to victory than the bond that these boys share, as we all know practice makes perfect, and these boys have certainly learned this phrase well. A great practice schedule that is rigorous and effective has built these boys into the volleyball machines we see play every home game.

Firebaugh High School is proud of our Boys Volleyball team; even though its very difficult for them to keep up with school work, they make the effort to achieve academically and athletically. This extraordinary students  have the gift to play and always give there best.The Boys Volleyball team this year are undefeated and stronger than ever we are all proud of them.We know that Our Boys this year are truly inspiring under classmates to participate in sports.With the support of FHS our Boys Volleyball team is going to keep achieving higher goals as they have done till this day.

A variety of shows. One inspiration.

After much rescheduling, the Variety Show has finally been booked for April 26 and April 27 in the lecture hall from 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. The show will feature performances by drill team, choir, various musical artists including the Heavy Feathers and MESA band, and Firebaugh Acting Club's play, "True Colors".

Here's our interview with co-director Alberto Leon:

What is a variety show?
"A variety show is a way for the students here at Firebaugh to perform and entertain the school with their own unique talents and skills in one show where everyone can see these talents all at once."

Who is hosting the show?
"The Firebaugh Acting Club will be hosting the show. We became a club a while back and organized the winter show last year and decided to do something different by making up a variety show where anybody at the school can perform in, even if it isn’t necessarily something that deals with acting."

What is the play "True Colors" going to be about?
"The show is really all about the different personalities and characters at any normal high school. You have the Harry Potter lovers, and the people who are really into sports, and also the people who maybe don’t think that school is the most interesting thing in the world, but we’re trying to find really common similarities and worth between all those different personas and find unity between all of them, and find out that they aren’t quite so different after all. Each character brings something to the table and we want to show how each character has an “outside” persona, the one that people see and perhaps judge, but we also want to show the “inside” persona of each character, the one that a lot of people don’t take time to understand and get to know -the real personality of a person- hence the name of the show, “True Colors”. (Duh!)"

How do you think the show will turn out, considering the time and energy put into it?
"I honestly have a lot of optimism and confidence in the show! We’ve put in a lot of time and effort into the show- we’ve been working on it since January! And all the acts are really working together to make this a great play for everyone to see. And I think one of the great and unique things of this show is that all the acts are connected in one way or another to the play itself and it feels like the whole show represents the unity that we wanted since the beginning. It’s going to be a great show. I think the only thing that would make the show better is if we got Adele! (she didn't respond back to our e-mails)"

We also were able to catch up with Ms. Thomas, the advisor:

What is a variety show?
"A variety show is a collection of rehearsed acts that come together under one theme. It includes drama, music, dance, or any other talent that students want to show, but don't think of it as a talent show because it is no competition."

How was the idea of making a variety show brought about?
"When I was in high school I was in a variety show all four years. It was the only thing I participated in and looked forward to because it was such an amazing event to bring artists together."

We heard Mrs. Damrel was the inspiration; tell us how you incorporated her spirit into the show.
"It sort of came out naturally; since she wanted the show, we made a role of an inspirational art teacher who remains unnamed but is a symbolic reference to our beloved Mrs. Damrel. This character is the inspiration to a grouchy teacher as well as many of the students that appear in the drama sketch."

How do you think the show will turn out to be?
"I think it will be absolutely amazing with all the effort and work that students put into it. There will be tears, laughter, and of course a warm fuzzy feeling at the end."

"True Colors" is a play written by our hard-working students to show that it's not easy dealing with reality, but remember to always, and no matter what, embrace who you really are.

So, that just about wraps it up. We hope to see you at the show! 'Till next time!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Firebaugh YearBook sold out !!!

For the first time in Firebaugh history, the 2011-2012 yearbook is completely sold out. The dedicated yearbook staff has committed their time and effort to completing an outstanding yearbook. From their clever use of promotion, they were able to inform the students about the yearbook which, may have contributed to the tremendous amount of sales. The yearbook staff consists mainly of seniors did a swell job. Although, this year they will be graduating, they wanted to make this years yearbook the best so far. 
After interviewing Amy who works at the student store, she informed us that surprisingly all 275 yearbooks had been sold. She even stated, "I'm somewhat amazed that this years yearbook staff was able to sell all 275 yearbooks, which has never in Firebaugh's history been done". Nonetheless, this year was slightly different. Students of all grade levels were able to purchase the yearbook, in advance, either online or at the student store.