Thursday, May 9, 2013

We hope you have a quick recovery!

Julio Olivares, a member of Firebaugh's volleyball team, experienced a collapsed lung during his previous game. During gameplay he began to feel weary, and also found it hard to breathe. He was then sent to the hospital that following night.

During the week of CST's Julio was unable to attend school. He had to stay at the hospital till they found a compatible lung transplant. His respiratory system depended on a machine during that time. Although the event seemed traumatizing, many who visited him said he stayed optimistic. When he posted his status on Facebook, he only thanked those who sent him well wishes. He never complained or showed fear of his position.

Luck was on his side, and within the same week they had found him a compatible transplant. He came out of the operation safely, and is attending school again. Although Julio seems to be unaffected, the effect of the transplant will linger. Julio may not be able to play volleyball, or any other sport, due to the transplant. He will also need medication to keep his immune system from attacking the new lung.

As a friend, and as a speaker for those who know him, we all hope he has a quick recovery!

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